6 Important Uses of CBD Oil You Have to Know

Healers from different cultures and civilizations across the globe have recognized and utilized the therapeutic wonders of the cannabis plant for centuries. Today, science is starting to confirm what our ancestors have known all along. As a result, the popularity of CBD oils online continues to grow.

Contrary to what many people may believe, CBD does not equate with marijuana. Marijuana contains THC, a psychoactive compound. CBD, while also from the cannabis plant, is not addictive and does not have any mind-altering effects. What it does have, though, is a long list of valuable benefits.

More and more people are discovering and experiencing the benefits of cannabidiol to health and wellness for themselves.

Below are six common uses of CBD oils that you should know about.

For pain relief

Believe it or not, humans have been using CBD for pain relief for much longer than we assumed. Historical records reveal that civilizations from as early as 2900 B.C. may have already discovered and utilized the pain-relieving characteristics of cannabidiol.

These days, CBD oil is quite famous for its anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing qualities. The consumption or topical application of CBD can offer relief to those who are suffering from persistent and chronic pain.

Though more research is underway, CBD products are viewed as a better alternative to opioid painkillers as there’s no risk of developing an addiction.

For acne treatment

While most people attribute the outburst of acne to stress, there are actually plenty of factors that trigger acne – food, lifestyle, and stress are just a few of the more common reasons.

CDB oil has anti-inflammatory elements that may help prevent overactive oil production and work to reduce the inflammation of acne. CBD also contains antioxidants, which can help lessen the visible signs of and effects of aging. Regular application on the face and body can eliminate wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and other skin impurities over time.

For a good night’s sleep

Getting plenty of sleep at night is essential for a healthy body—unfortunately, many people around the world struggle with having a good night's sleep.

The same calming effect of CBD that makes it a viable treatment for anxiety can relax the mind and help those with insomnia fall and stay asleep. Regular users of CBD claim that the products have been effective in regulating their sleeping cycle.

For managing stress and anxiety

As it turns out, anxiety is one of the most common mental problems in the U.S., with almost 30 percent of Americans suffering from the disorder.

A study on the effects of cannabidiol on patients with social anxiety disorder revealed that CBD could help reduce overall anxiety levels. In addition, research suggested that CBD has the potential to relieve symptoms associated with different anxiety and stress-related conditions like GAP (general anxiety disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic disorder, among others.

For the treatment of epilepsy

CBD has helped treat and reduce the occurrence of seizures in children with drug-resistant epilepsy. It works by breaking down amyloid, which, when in excess, causes overstimulation of neurons that results in seizures.

Epidiolex is an FDA-approved drug that contains highly-purified CBD oil. It is recognized as a useful and effective in treating Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome in children, especially those who are below two years old. Epidiolex can also be used to treat neural injuries and neurodegeneration -- complications stemming from epilepsy.

For pet care

CBD is not only for the use of humans but for our fur-babies and fur-friends as well. CBD-infused treats are a hit among pet-owners, while the sales of CBD capsules, salves, creams, and oils for pets are expected to climb steadily in the next few years.

Despite its increased acceptance, the use of CBD products is still a politically and emotionally charged subject for many. As such, health care professionals are often reluctant to bring it up as an alternative treatment.

On the bright side, the massive demand for CBD has put its many uses under the spotlight, and people are already catching on to its benefits. With the way things are going, it won't be long before CBD products make it to the mainstream.

About the Author

Lauren Klesser is the Content Marketing Strategist for Half Day CBD, a thoughtfully-curated brand of organic hemp-derived products like CBD oils,  CBD vape and CBD  gummies, which are designed to help manage pain, anxiety, stress and sleep issues. In her spare time, she plays axe throwing and escape games with her family and friends.

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